
It is a constantly expanding market, also in light of the ever growing need for customized insurance products. This has also resulted in an increase in the number of companies, associations and institutional subjects looking to meet the demands of these groups.
“Affinity Marketing” is a new trend in the insurance market, which goes beyond a single policy, with a real strategy for sub-jects that have an “affinity” between them: for example, the employees of a company, members of a sports association or the customers of a shopping center. These are the recipients of Affinity Mar-keting.
These groups also become relevant in the Insurance sector, because they constitute those groups that have similar insurance characteristics and needs, making it possi-ble to design rates, products and terms to reflect their specific demands.

The founding of “Affinity PCA”
PCA Broker has founded Affinity PCA, a division that develops insurance programs and services designed for single individuals with and on behalf of its Partners (Companies, Institutions, Associations).

Thanks to these projects, PCA Partners can build more loyalty among their customers, employees or suppliers, as well as significantly increase income based on highly visible, successful marketing initiatives.
The main objective of the projects in the Affinity division is not only the diffusion of insurance products within a specific group, but also the activation of a partnership with Customers to offer a service with high added value for their associates, customers and suppliers.
With 30 years of history and innovation, PCA Broker is taking the lead in the evolution of the insurance market through new opportunities in Affinity Marketing.
Advantages for partners
Affinity PCA also provides a series of advantages for the Partners they develop insurance programs with, all part of a corporate welfare strategy. This allows Affinity PCA to contribute to reinforcing the relationship between the company and workers based on loyalty and trust, also beyond the working context, because with Affinity PCA companies can extend their reach to support/collaborate with employees in many different fields and areas of their daily lives.
Furthermore, Affinity PCA allows Partners to access advantageous insurance solutions that are hard to find on the market.
The products and services are designed in close collaboration with Partners during each stage of the project life cycle. In particular:
01. Analysis of insurance needs
02. Selection of solutionslta delle soluzioni
03. Formulation of marketing strategies
04. Commercial launching of solutions
From collaboration to optimization
Constant and profitable collaboration makes it possible to continuously improve all aspects of the project. This reinforces the bond between the subjects using the service and our Partners, therefore:
01. Offering added value
02. Differentiating from competitors
03. Increasing the offering for Em-ployees
04. Increasing loyalty among Em-ployees
For Information
We provide advice on risk management in all business sectors with our dedicated Teams.
PCA operates internationally through the support of two independent networks offering timely and authoritative service in all parts of the world.
We are also affiliated with Net4Risk, the first Italian Risk Management network. We offer 360° consultancy services for corporate risk management.