Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics
Code of Ethics
PCA, sensitive to the need to ensure con-ditions of maximum fairness and transparency, with the following document intends to codify the ethical and behavioral principles that, in the conduct of the company’s activities, characterize its relations with personnel and third parties.
PCA considers this Code to be an instrument for regulating and disciplining its activities, and the set of ethical principles, values and behavioral rules set forth in this Code must inspire the activities of all those who operate, internally or externally, in the sphere of PCA‘s business.
Any violations of the Code will be pursued by PCA through disciplinary and contractual measures.
For Information
We provide advice on risk management in all business sectors with our dedicated Teams.
Stefano Colondri
PCA operates internationally through the support of two independent networks offering timely and authoritative service in all parts of the world.
We are also affiliated with Net4Risk, the first Italian Risk Management network. We offer 360° consultancy services for corporate risk management.